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Tummery Primary School, Dromore
Merry Christmas to all our children, families, staff and school community! Enjoy the break and take care! Happy New Year and best wishes for 2025! The children return to school on Monday 6th January 2025.
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Sustrans Cycle initiative

11th Oct 2019

The pupils of our school are very lucky that they are going to be working closely with Sustrans for this year. 

The first day took place on 18th September, when Sustrans member Ann-Marie Cox took the school for an assembly to inform us about staying safe when cycling.  She checked everyone’s bicycle and pumped up tyres, checked the chain and breaks and installed bells to anyone who didn’t have them.  Everyone was so grateful for the having this done.

The following week we were joined by two instructors called Euan and David.  The took us for 3 days of training.  The children had to do the fast and effective ABCDD check to make sure the bikes were fit to cycle.

The first day consisted of cycling around the school to train everyone about being out on the road.  Signalling and breaking in an emergency was important skills to learn.  The light saver look was also another important element that we had to learn.

On the second day everyone got out onto the roads with David and Euan.  There they learned about the magic metre and different signs that you could find at road junctions.

The last day was the most enjoyable and everyone got to cycle about 1 mile away from the school.  There were many hills to enjoy.  There were lots of manoeuvres to practise around junctions and how to cycle safely when approaching them.

Everyone had a great time with Sustrans and we are looking forward to working with them throughout the year.


Completed by Primary 7's